Monday, 20 August 2012

Words of wisdom......How to remain poor

We could learn a thing or two from these words of wisdom...He[she who has ears, let them hear.

1: NEVER WAKE UP EARLY. Keep stretching & turning in bed until u get too hungry 2 continue dozing. If there are no bedbugs, why hurry 2 get up? ...
2: NEVER PLAN HOW 2 SPEND UR MONEY. Whenever u get money, start spending it right away & when it is finished, try 2 count & recall how u spent it. ... ...
3: DON'T THINK OF SAVING UNTIL U HAVE REAL BIG MONEY. ... ... How can u save when u earn so little? Those telling u 2 save are not sympathetic 2 ur burning needs.
4: DON'T ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES USUALLY RESERVED 4 THE “UNEDUCATED.” How can u, a graduate, engage in petty trade or home-based production? That is 4 people who never went to school.
5: DON'T THINK OF STARTING A BUSINESS UNTIL AN ANGEL COMES 4RM HEAVEN & GIVES U CAPITAL. How do they expect u to invest b4 u get millions of naira? Even though more than half the businesses in ur town were started with a few hundred naira, u, as a smart person, can only start with millions.
6: COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING EXCEPT UR OWN ATTITUDE: Blame the system, the government & the banks that refuse 2 lend u money. They are all bad & do not want u to get rich.
7: SPEND MORE THAN U EARN. 2 achieve this, buy consumer products on credit & keep borrowing 4rm friends & employers.
8: COMPETE IN DRESSING. Make sure u wear the latest clothes among all the workers in ur office. Whenever ur neighbour buys a new phone, get one that is more expensive.
9: GET URSELF A NICE 2ND-HAND CAR THAT COSTS MORE THAN 3 TIMES UR GROSS MONTHLY PAY. That will surely keep u in debt long enough 2 hinder the implementation of any bad plans that could make u accumulate capital.
10: GIVE UR CHILDREN EVERYTHING THEY ASK 4 SINCE U ARE SUCH A LOVING PARENT. They should not struggle 4 anything bcos u do not want them 2 suffer. That way, they will grow up lazy & hence poor enough 2 ensure they cannot help u in ur old age.

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